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Timing : 10.00 AM to 8.00 PM All days. Sunday Full Day Open

A Division of Panlin Healthcare   
 We are now open from 10.00 AM to 8.00 PM All Days. Sunday Working Full Day.  For enquiries and to place orders online call or whatsapp us on 9840092661

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Panlin Footwear

 • Diabetic Feet     • Metatarsal Pain     • Calcaneal Spur     • Corns & Bunions   • Flat Foot Arch    • Forefoot Disorders  • Achillies Tendonities  * Ankle Pain  *Knee Pain  *Lower Back Pain   *Heel Pain   *Amputated Feet   *Polio Feet  *Genu Varum   *Plantar Fasciitis

Orthopaedic & Diabetic Footwear Center

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Plantar Fasciitis :

The plantar fascia  is the flat band of tissue (ligament) that connects your heel bone to your toes. It supports the arch of your foot. If you strain your plantar fascia, it gets weak, swollen, and irritated (inflamed). Then your heel or the bottom of your foot hurts when you stand or walk.Plantar fasciitis i
common in middle-aged people. It also occurs in younger people who are on their feet a lot, like athletes or soldiers. It can happen in one foot or both feet.Plantar fasciitis is caused by straining the ligament that supportsyour arch. Repeated strain can cause tiny tears in the ligament. These can lead to pain and swelling. This is more likely to happen if:Your feet roll inward too much when you walk (excessive pronation ).

You have high arches or flat feet.You walk, stand, or run for long periods of time, especially on hard surfaces.You are overweight.You wear shoes that don't fit well or are worn out.You have tight Achilles tendons or calf muscles.Most people with plantar fasciitis have pain when they take their first steps after they get out of bed or sit for a long time. You may have less stiffness and pain after you take a few steps. But your foot may hurt more as the day goes on. It may hurt the most when you climb stairs or after you stand for a long time.

If you have foot pain at night, you may have a different problem, such as arthritis, or a nerve problem such as tarsal tunnel syndrome.Your doctor will check your feet and watch you stand and walk. He or she will also ask questions about:Your past health, including what illnesses or injuries you have had.Your symptoms, such as where the pain is and what time of day your foot hurts most.How active you are and what types of physical activity you do.Your doctor may take an X-ray of your foot if he or she suspects a problem with the bones of your foot, such as a stress fracture.No single treatment works best for everyone with plantar fasciitis. But there are many things you can try to help your foot get better:

Give your feet a rest. Cut back on activities that make your foot hurt. Try not to walk or run on hard surfaces.To reduce pain and swelling, try putting ice on your heel. Or take an over-the-counter pain reliever like ibuprofen (such as Advil or Motrin), naproxen (such asAleve), or aspirin.Do toe stretches , calf stretches  and towel stretches  several times a day, especially when you first get up in the morning. (For towel stretches, you pull on both ends of a rolled towel that you place under the ball of your foot.)

Get a new pair of shoes. Pick shoes with good arch support and a cushioned sole. Or try heel cups or shoe inserts (orthotics ). Use them in both shoes, even if only one foot hurts.If these treatments do not help, your doctor may give you splints that you wear at night, shots of steroid medicine in your heel, or other treatments. You probably will not need surgery. Doctors only suggest it for people who still have pain after trying other treatments for 6 to 12 months.

Source :

Corns and Calluses 

Clinical Trials and detailed observations.

Corns and calluses on the feet are thickened areas of skin that can become painful. They are caused by excessive pressure or rubbing (friction) on the skin. The common 
cause is poorly fitting shoes. A person who is qualified to diagnose and treat foot disorders (a podiatrist) can cut away (pare) corns and calluses and can advise on footwear, shoe insoles and padding to prevent recurrences. A corn is a small area of skin which has become thickened due to pressure on it. A corn is roughly round
in shape. Corns press into the deeper layers of skin and can be painful.Hard corns  commonly occur on the top of the smaller toes or on the outer side of the little toe.
These are the areas where poorly fitted shoes tend to rub most.Soft corns sometimes form in between the toes, most commonly between the fourth and fifth toes.
These are softer because the sweat between the toes keeps them moist. Soft corns can sometimes become infected.

Callus is larger and broader than a corn and has a less well-defined edge. These tend to form on the underside of your foot (the sole). They commonly form over the bony area just underneath your toes. This area takes much of your weight when you walk. They are usually painless but can become painful. The small bones of the toes and feet are broader and more lumpy near to the small joints of the toes. If there is extra rubbing (friction) or pressure on the skin overlying a small rough area of bone, this will cause the skin to thicken. This may lead to corns or calluses forming.The common causes of rubbing and pressure are tight or poorly fitting shoes which tend to cause corns on the top of the toes and side of the little toe. Also, too much walking or running which tends to cause calluses on the sole of the feet.

Corns and calluses are more likely to develop if you have very prominent bony toes, thin skin, or any deformities of the toes or feet which cause the skin to rub more easily inside shoes.What are the treatments for corns and calluses?If you develop a painful corn or callus it is best to get expert advice from a person qualified to diagnose and treat foot disorders (a podiatrist - previously called a chiropodist). You should not cut corns yourself, especially if you are elderly or have diabetes.Advice and treatments usually considered include the following:Trimming (paring down)The thickened skin of a corn or callus can be pared down by a podiatrist by using a scalpel blade. The pain is usually much reduced as the corn or callus is pared down and the pressure on the underlying tissues eased. Sometimes, repeated or regular trimming sessions are needed. Once a corn or callus has been pared down, it may not return if you use good footwear. If the skin seems to be thickening up again, a recurrence may be prevented by rubbing down the thickening skin with a pumice stone or emery paper once a week. Many peoeple can do this themselves. It is best to soak your foot in warm water for 20 minutes to soften the thick skin before using a pumice stone or emery paper.

A moisturising cream used regularly on a trimmed corn or callus will keep the skin softened and easier to rub down.Chemical treatmentThere are different types of medicated products which work by chemically paring down the thickened, dead skin on corns and calluses. These usually contain salicylic acid, which is also present in many wart-removal products.Salicylic acid is a keratolytic, which means it dissolves the protein (keratin) that makes up most of both the corn and the thick layer of dead skin which usually tops it. It is important to use these products as directed in the package directions; these products are gentle and safe for most people. Salicylic acid treatments are available in different forms including drops, pads and plasters.All these treatments will turn the top of your skin white and then you will be able trim or peel away the dead tissue. This results in the corn sticking out less, which will make it less painful.Although these products can work well, they should not be used if you have diabetes or have poor circulation. This is because your skin is less likely to heal well after using salicyclic acid and there is a risk that an ulcer may develop.

Tight or poorly fitting shoes are thought to be the main cause of most corns and calluses. Sometimes a rough seam or stitching in a shoe may rub enough to cause a corn. The aim is to wear shoes that reduce pressure and rubbing on the toes and forefeet. Shoes should have plenty of room for the toes, have soft uppers and low heels. In addition, extra width is needed if corns develop on the outer side of the little toe. Extra height is needed if corns develop on the top of abnormal toes such as 'hammer' or 'claw' toes.Correcting poor footwear will reduce any rubbing or friction on your skin. In many cases, a corn or callus will go away if rubbing or pressure is stopped with improved footwear. If you have had a corn or callus pared away, a recurrence will usually be prevented by wearing good footwear. If you are able, going barefoot when not outdoors will also help.Some people with abnormalities of their feet or toes will need special shoes to prevent rubbing. A podiatrist can advise you about this. 

Depending on the site of a corn or callus, a cushioning pad or shoe insole may be of benefit. For example, for a callus under the foot, a soft shoe inlay may cushion the skin and help the callus to heal. If there is a corn between your toes, a special sleeve worn around your toe may ease the pressure. A special toe splint may also help to keep your toes apart to allow a corn between toes to heal. A podiatrist will be able to advise you on any appropriate padding, insoles or appliances you may need.SurgeryIf you have a foot or toe abnormality causing recurring problems, an operation may be advised if all else fails. For example, an operation may be needed to straighten a deformed toe, or to cut out a part of a bone that is sticking out from a toe and is causing problems. If you need an operation then you will be referred to a surgeon who will be able to discuss this with you in more detail.Infection Occasionally corns or calluses can become infected.  If this happens then your skin around the corn (or callus) will become red and sore. Your doctor will be able to prescribe medicines called antibiotics if this happens.
Source :

Flat Feet

Flat feet can be very uncomfortable and painful. Individuals who suffer from them may choose to use arch supports to help relieve some of the pain and take pressure off the arches and the ligaments and tendons that support them.  Arch supports can be purchased over-the-counter or they can be made by a doctor to specifically fit ones feet.   Obviously, the former will be much less expensive and they can be purchased and in an individual’s possession much faster then if a person were to go to a doctor and have them made.  For individuals who need immediate support buying arch supports for flat feet online or over-the-counter, may be a good short term option. However, it may eventually be necessary to have them custom made.  Many of the newer  arch supports for flat feet work very well and can provide individuals who need them, the proper support to minimize pain and discomfort.Because most shoes do not offer adequate support, it may be necessary to purchase arch supports.  

Add poor construction and inexpensive materials used by many shoe manufacturing company with constant walking and the natural pounding of the feet and ubsequently, foot pain develops. In order for individuals to be able to function as optimally as possible, it may be necessary to reinforce the shoe and arch supports can often do just that.When the tibialis posterior tendon stretches or the ligaments which support the foot’s arch are stretched, flat feet may be the result. This may also happen if there are tears in the ligaments or tendons in the feet.  This can be quite painful and make it difficult for individuals to walk and function normally.  Depending on the severity 

of the condition and the cause, a doctor may prescribe a number of different treatments. 

For individuals who don’t have flat feet due to torn ligaments or tendons, arch supports may be all that is needed. When the ligaments or tendons are only stretched but not torn, arch supports can provide individuals with some relief.  Therefore, it is important for individuals who believe that they have flat feet to be examined by a podiatrist when possible. If it is not, a careful self examination of the feet and consideration of all symptoms may be all that is necessary.  However, a podiatrist will be able to make a definitive prognosis on whether or not a person actually suffers from flat feet. There are test that they will perform and put the patient through, to make this determination. If individuals aren’t able to afford a visit to a podiatrist, but believe that they have flat feet, purchasing and using arch supports is one good option to try, If they do not fix the problem, at least one treatment option has been eliminated.  Once it has been definitively determined that a person has flat feet, they may be prescribed some type of treatment to decrease inflammation.  They may also be asked to rest so that any ligaments or tendon injuries can heal. They will then likely be given some type of arch supports. Taken together, this can alleviate a lot of the pain and discomfort associated with flat feet. 

Common Foot Problems

At one time or another just about everyone will experience either pain or discomfort in their feet.  While there are some things that can be done to minimize or prevent problems, they are still likely to occur simply because we use our feet all the time and they bear a lot of weight.  Wearing shoes made of quality materials and with adequate support and solid construction can make a big difference.   Visiting ones podiatrist as soon as major problems arise is a good idea and wearing shoes which are the correct size can also lessen the likelihood of foot problems.  In this article we will discuss some common foot problems.

We will first list a number of them and then follow that up with a more in-depth discussion of a few of them.Arthritis,  tendinitis in the Achilles heel, pain in the ankles,  burning feet,  athletes foot,  foot ulcers, gout, Morton’s toe, neuropathy and heel fissures are all common foot problems. These affect million of people. Individuals may not only suffer from one of these conditions but multiple ones. This can mean that a person has extreme pain every time that they walk. In these cases and in most cases of severe foot pain, a visit to the podiatrist may be in order. When that is not possible, there are some over-the-counter (or internet) options that may work to alleviate pain. 

Now, let’s take a little closer look at some of the common foot ailments we listed above.Plantar Fasciitis: Plantar fasciitis is a very common problem that affects the heel and the arch. It is the result of small tears in the plantar fascia. This condition can cause a lot of pain, discomfort and stiffness. To treat it, an individual may use arch supports or orthotics. Wearing custom made orthotics is usually the best choice. Anti-inflammation and pain medication may also be helpful.

Neuroma: This is a condition where irritation in the nerves occurs and causes swelling. The nerve may thicken and cause discomfort and pain. This often times affects the ball area of the foot.

Hammer Toes: Hammer toes are another pretty common foot condition.   Individuals who have them essentially have a deformed toe. This is due to an imbalance in the tendons. 

Achilles Tendinitis: Tendinitis of the Achilles is another condition of that affects the foot area and which can be very painful. It is essentially the case of an inflamed Achilles tendon. Over time, if it is not properly treated, the tendon take may become thicker and bumps or nodules may form on it. Eventually, if nothing is done, this can lead to the tearing of the tendon.This would obviously be quite painful and cause some serious problems. Surgery would be needed to repair a burst or ruptured Achilles tendon. This can be very costly and will require a cast and therapy. To avoid this, it is important to seek proper treatment and care. An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure.

 Custom Made as per Individual Measurements
 Exclusively Handcrafted For Superior Comfort

PANLIN™ Speciality Customized MCR / MCP Footwear Can Now Be Ordered Online, For Details Contact Us On Whatsapp # 9840092661

Manage your pain better in a therapeutic way through our specialty footwear. We know where it hurts and we can help! We are very passionate about what we do and we truly care.

Pioneers  in Custom Footwear Bespoke Services

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Customized Footwear Shipped  All Over India  

  • Diabetic Footwear

  • MCP / MCR Chappals

  • MCP / MCR Slippers

  • MCP / MCR Sandals​

  • ​Orthopaedic Shoes

  • ​Customized Footwear​ 

  • ​Genuine Microsoft Leather

PANLIN™ Footwear is India's # 1 Ortho brand of custom made footwear having served thousands of customers over the years. PANLIN™ has been providing customers customized handmade Diabetic & Orthopaedic footwear. Over the years we have worked very closely with country's leading orthopaedic surgeons, podiatrists and diabetologists and have scientifically designed footwear that is specially fabricated to suit all diabetic patients as well as patients requiring orthopedic care, correction & rehabilitation. PANLIN™ India's foremost supplier of Customized MCR Slippers, MCR Footwear, MCR Chappals, MCR Sandals, Silicon Gel Embedded Soft Heel Cushion Slippers, MCP Footwear, MCR Shoes, Orthopaedic Footwear, Diabetic Footwear. We measure your feet and manufacture according to your need. Home Visits Undertaken, Orthopaedic shoe stores catering to all forefoot disorders, MCR Slippers for Heel Pain, Corns, Calcaneal Spur, Flat Foot Arch, Bunions, Limb Length Discrepancy, Plantar Fasciitis, Achilles Tendonitis.

PANLIN™ is backed by technical know how of experts from premier footwear design & research institutes in the country. Our Founder and CEO is an M.B.A and alumnus of country's top footwear design institute recognized by Govt. Of India. He has wide international exposure having travelled widely overseas to USA, Belgium, Singapore, South Africa, Mauritius, Madagascar, Bangladesh, China, Philippines & Malaysia .

PANLIN™ foot care products are bio-mechanically designed and our speciality footwear are available at very affordable cost with prices starting from Rs.290 (US$4.20) onwards......

Our mission is to reach as many people as possible all across the globe, ' we sell more because we sell quality products for less '. We have grown over the years primarily due to our wide range and our commitment towards 'Quality & Service '

Our products are made from high quality materials. Our products exclusively limit stress at the areas of the foot most susceptible to pain, provides unsurpassed comfort and protection with unique features as hidden depth as well as soles that absorb shock. Light weight construction helps in providing maximum comfort, the soft microsoft leather upper is lined with a layer of MCP to prevent the skin from chafing. The MCP insole with arch support helps to accommodate different types of foot i.e., foot with medium, low and high arches.

Our products provide real relief to people with diabetics, those suffering from arthritis, heel pain,
achilles tendonitis, metatarsalgia, arch pain, metatarsal pain and forefoot disorders. Diabetic Feet, Heel Pain, Flat Feet Arch Support, Medial Arch Pain, Lower Back Pain,  Knee Pain, Callus, Heel Spur, Calcaneal Spur,  Corns & Bunions and provide specialized MCR Slippers, MCR Chappals, MCR footwear for Heel Pain. We specialize in providing only original MCP Slippers, MCP Chappals, MCP Footwear for Heel Pain / Heel Spur.

​INTRODUCTION TO MCP (Chemically known as EVA – Ethyl Vinyl Acetate) : Initially Micro Cellular Rubber known as “MCR” sheet was used for diabetic footwear to protect the foot .MCR is made out of natural rubber with chemical blowing agent and sulphur. Because of its fast ageing it becomes brittle and also develops odour in long run. With the result of scientific and technical development in the area Co-polymer foam known as MICRO CELLULAR POLYMER (MCP) foam was found highly suitable for diabetic footwear . This MCP foam is known as EVAZOTE and very much used today in USA, EUROPE and JAPAN. Podiatrists and diabetologists advice their diabetic patients to use MCP for foot care; it is odourless, compatible to human body and hygienic. MCP forms to the shape of bottom of the foot within a short period of usage by which foot pressure is distributed and pain is relieved.Diabetic & Ortho footwear is an Innovation for comfort, protection and therapy.

Comfort : MCP insole with arch support forms the shape of bottom of the foot within a short period of usage by which foot pressure is distributed and pain is relieved.Stability Hidden depth outsoles with raise sidewalls and firm heel counters provide tremendous stability. 

Protection : Wide toe boxes and soft MCP linings

help protect the foot from injury. 

Cushioning: The orthotics absorbs shock forces

and provide cushioning. 

Fit : Straight last design insoles ensure a proper fit for all foot types and it helps in reducing the pressure in the areas of the foot most susceptible to pain, most notably the ball-of-the-foot. 
Material Technology
Upper : Microsoft Leather 
Lining : 2 MM MCP Lining 
Orthotic Insole : 10 mm MCP With Arch & Heel Support

Choose from a wide range of scientifically and technically designed models listed on our e-Catalog